There's always someone or something that can help us get out of the fog, we just have to be still, stretch out our hand and let the light of hope lead the way. When we feel alone, isolated in our doubt, worry or fears, we can misjudge this light as dim, barely or even rarely present. However, the omnipresence of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit affirms the Declarated & Celebrated Promises of God! 1 In particular I'd like you to allow to be a blessing to you is:
Psalm 46:1 "God is Our Refuge and Strength, Always Ready to Help in Times of Trouble-NIV". We have to give ourselves permission to become so caught up and distracted in God's Word and the Holy Spirit even the more when things try to keep us consumed with anything that contradicts God's Word, spirit of Peace, Love & Joy. Get up, give more of yourself, if you find yourself depleted from those around you, it's time to allow someone else in so that you can receive what God has for you and allow the overflow to come back into life and you regain the joys of Reciprocity in everything you set forth to do, Amen. Be Blessed, But More Imprtantly, Be a Blessing.
GodsBest & GodsLuv 2 U All~Ms.A
Psalm 46:1 "God is Our Refuge and Strength, Always Ready to Help in Times of Trouble-NIV". We have to give ourselves permission to become so caught up and distracted in God's Word and the Holy Spirit even the more when things try to keep us consumed with anything that contradicts God's Word, spirit of Peace, Love & Joy. Get up, give more of yourself, if you find yourself depleted from those around you, it's time to allow someone else in so that you can receive what God has for you and allow the overflow to come back into life and you regain the joys of Reciprocity in everything you set forth to do, Amen. Be Blessed, But More Imprtantly, Be a Blessing.
GodsBest & GodsLuv 2 U All~Ms.A